>> 2019.11.12 >> Victoria, B.C., Canada
Today, Shift Audio officially launches as a new company solely dedicated to the development of audio products. Shift Audio and its founders come from a long heritage of audio related development that took root in the city of Victoria, British Columbia decades ago. One of the company founders, Daniel Winner started work with IVL Technologies in 1997 as a co-op engineering student. It was there he discovered the amazing technology that IVL had already developed for vocalists that could create real-time vocal harmonies.  At around the same time, IVL had started venturing into a new field of vocal processing, physical modelling. This technology offered the possibility of completely new sonic possibilities for vocals, allowing for parameterization of certain characteristics of the vocal sound.
Fast forward to 4 years later, and TC-Helicon was born as a joint venture between IVL Technologies and long time Danish audio effects company, TC Electronic. TC-Helicon was able to commoditize the physical modelling technology and updated vocal harmony technology, featuring more robust pitch detection algorithms than the world had ever seen before. Daniel Winner was instrumental in bringing this technology into the popular Motorola/Freescale 24-bit DSPs that were well suited for audio processing, having already been used for popular surround sound algorithms from THX. Years of success followed, as TC-Helicon released a long line of successful vocal products, featuring an ever expanding feature set including looping, guitar processing and expansion into mobile development. Peter Csapo joined TC-Helicon in 2012 and helped take that success even further, being an instrumental engineer and developer in TC Helicon's most ambitious product ever, the Voicelive 3.  The Voicelive 3 was built using a combination of embedded Linux and the traditional fixed point DSP (now NXP) to run more algorithms and more capability than ever before. Â
Now, Peter and Daniel launch Shift Audio, a company that combines their skills and experience with a new focus, developing audio products on cost effective ARM based platforms. As a startup in audio with a fresh focus, SHIFT Audio is well positioned to be a leader in audio product development for media broadcasters in the age of YouTube, online streamers, professional musicians and everything in between. We look forward to serving our customers with products that are quality and deliver high value for the price.